
Let's begin with the computation of . For isotropic materials, the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor can be calculated as follows: This formulation leverages the property that shares the same SVD space as , which simplifies the derivation and computation process.

Example 14.2.1. For the Neo-Hookean model (Equation (13.1.2)), we have: Thus, we can first perform SVD on and derive: to compute without symbolically deriving the derivative of w.r.t. .

Here we provide the proof that commutes with rotations in diagonal space (see Equation (14.2.1)). To demonstrate that for any rotation matrix , consider a generic (potentially anisotropic) material model. The key idea is that a rotation applied after deformation does not alter the material's stored energy, thus we have the identity . Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to the deformation gradient yields:

Furthermore, for an isotropic material where , a similar argument shows that . Combining these relationships for under rotation, we establish that: This formulation confirms the rotational invariance of in diagonal space.

Additional Proof for

In the above, the last equality comes from the fact that Here we show why this is true.

(1) First, we claim that is diagonal. This can be seen by realizing that for isotropic elasticity, where is the isotropic invariants. Following [Sifakis & Barbic 2022] (page 23), we can observe that when the argument is diagonal, must be diagonal. Therefore, is diagonal when is diagonal.

(2) Next, we claim that This is proven in [Xu et al. 2015] (Equation 7).

(3) Based on (2), we know that for any , after substituting , we have using this we can write out the cases for . For example, for , we have

(4) Finally, let's derive . Since we know it is diagonal from (1), we just need to derive its diagonal entry. Let's use entry as an example: Now are are done with the final proof.