Barrier Energy and Its Derivatives

With the point-edge distance functions implemented, we can traverse all point-edge pairs to assemble the total barrier energy and its derivatives. These will be used to solve for the search direction in the time-stepping optimization.

Since squared distances are used, here we rescale the barrier function to so that still holds. Analogous to elasticity, can be viewed as a strain measure, then the 2nd-order derivative of the energy density (per area) function w.r.t. at would correspond to Young's modulus times thickness , which makes physically meaningful and convenient to set.

Based on Equation (20.3.1), we can derive the gradient and Hessian of the barrier potential as where and we omitted the superscripts and subscripts for the squared point-edge distance functions ( denotes here).

The energy, gradient, and Hessian of the barrier contact potential are implemented as follows:

Implementation 21.3.1 (Barrier energy computation,

    # self-contact
    dhat_sqr = dhat * dhat
    for xI in bp:
        for eI in be:
            if xI != eI[0] and xI != eI[1]: # do not consider a point and its incident edge
                d_sqr = PE.val(x[xI], x[eI[0]], x[eI[1]])
                if d_sqr < dhat_sqr:
                    s = d_sqr / dhat_sqr
                    # since d_sqr is used, need to divide by 8 not 2 here for consistency to linear elasticity:
                    sum += 0.5 * contact_area[xI] * dhat * kappa / 8 * (s - 1) * math.log(s)

Implementation 21.3.2 (Barrier energy gradient computation,

    # self-contact
    dhat_sqr = dhat * dhat
    for xI in bp:
        for eI in be:
            if xI != eI[0] and xI != eI[1]: # do not consider a point and its incident edge
                d_sqr = PE.val(x[xI], x[eI[0]], x[eI[1]])
                if d_sqr < dhat_sqr:
                    s = d_sqr / dhat_sqr
                    # since d_sqr is used, need to divide by 8 not 2 here for consistency to linear elasticity:
                    local_grad = 0.5 * contact_area[xI] * dhat * (kappa / 8 * (math.log(s) / dhat_sqr + (s - 1) / d_sqr)) * PE.grad(x[xI], x[eI[0]], x[eI[1]])
                    g[xI] += local_grad[0:2]
                    g[eI[0]] += local_grad[2:4]
                    g[eI[1]] += local_grad[4:6]

Implementation 21.3.3 (Barrier energy Hessian computation,

    # self-contact
    dhat_sqr = dhat * dhat
    for xI in bp:
        for eI in be:
            if xI != eI[0] and xI != eI[1]: # do not consider a point and its incident edge
                d_sqr = PE.val(x[xI], x[eI[0]], x[eI[1]])
                if d_sqr < dhat_sqr:
                    d_sqr_grad = PE.grad(x[xI], x[eI[0]], x[eI[1]])
                    s = d_sqr / dhat_sqr
                    # since d_sqr is used, need to divide by 8 not 2 here for consistency to linear elasticity:
                    local_hess = 0.5 * contact_area[xI] * dhat * utils.make_PSD(kappa / (8 * d_sqr * d_sqr * dhat_sqr) * (d_sqr + dhat_sqr) * np.outer(d_sqr_grad, d_sqr_grad) \
                        + (kappa / 8 * (math.log(s) / dhat_sqr + (s - 1) / d_sqr)) * PE.hess(x[xI], x[eI[0]], x[eI[1]]))
                    index = [xI, eI[0], eI[1]]
                    for nI in range(0, 3):
                        for nJ in range(0, 3):
                            for c in range(0, 2):
                                for r in range(0, 2):
                                    IJV[0].append(index[nI] * 2 + r)
                                    IJV[1].append(index[nJ] * 2 + c)
                                    IJV[2] = np.append(IJV[2], local_hess[nI * 2 + r, nJ * 2 + c])