Solution Accuracy
So why can we solve Equation (7.2.2) to approximate the solution of the original problem in Equation (7.2.1)? Similar to Dirichlet Boundary Conditions, at the solution \(x^*\) of Equation (7.2.1), the following KKT conditions all hold: While at the local optimum \(x'\) of Equation (7.2.2), we have which is equivalently and if we plug in the expression of \(\nabla b(d_{ij})\). Let \(\gamma_{ij}' = -h^2 A_i \hat{d} \frac{\partial b}{\partial d}(d_{ij}(x'))\), we can further rewrite Equation (7.3.2) as which is essentially the stationarity condition (first line in Equation (7.3.1)) if we take \(\gamma_{ij}'\) as the dual variable. Now since the barrier function provides arbitrarily large repulsion to avoid interpenetration, we know that \(\forall i,j\), \(d_{ij}(x') \geq 0\). In addition, \(\gamma_{ij}' \geq 0\) also holds for all \(i,j\) because \(\frac{\partial b}{\partial d} \leq 0\) by construction. This means that at \(x'\), we have momentum balance, no interpenetrations, and contact forces only push but not pull.
In our simulation, the only Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) condition not strictly satisfied at \( x' \) is the complementarity slackness condition. This arises due to the way our barrier approximation functions. Specifically, we have a situation where \( \gamma_{ij} > 0 \Longleftrightarrow 0 < d_{ij} < \hat{d} \), representing the activation of contact forces based on the distance between solids and obstacles.
As the threshold \( \hat{d} \) decreases, contact forces become active only when the solids are in closer proximity (as illustrated in Figure 7.2.1). This adjustment leads to a reduction in the complementarity slackness error, which can be controlled to a certain extent. However, it's important to note that this control comes at a cost: computational efficiency may be reduced. This is because sharper objective functions, resulting from smaller \( \hat{d} \) values, tend to require more Newton iterations to resolve. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the accuracy of the simulation (in terms of adhering to the KKT condition) and the computational resources required.