In iterative minimization methods, line search is a technique used to select a fraction of the step in each iteration, ensuring the objective energy decreases at the new point.
Specifically, for Newton's method, line 4 in Algorithm 1.5.1 is modified from \(x^i \leftarrow x\) to \(x^i \leftarrow x^i + \alpha (x - x^i)\), where \(\alpha \in (0,1]\) is the step size, essential for the reduction of energy. This leads to two critical questions: Does such an \(\alpha\) always exist? And how is \(\alpha\) calculated?
Remark 3.2.1 (Existence of \(\alpha\)). For a smooth objective energy \(E(x)\) at \(x^i\) where \(\nabla E(x^i) \neq 0\), if a search direction \(p=x-x^i\) is descent, namely \(p^T \nabla E(x^i) < 0\), then there exists \(\alpha > 0\) such that \(E(x^i + \alpha p) < E(x^i)\).
Method 3.2.1 (Backtracking Line Search). Given a descent direction, we can find a reasonably large \(\alpha\) by simply halving it starting from \(1\) until the energy at the new location is smaller than the current (see Algorithm 3.2.1).
Algorithm 3.2.1 (The Backtracking Line Search Algorithm).
Remark 3.2.2 (Other Line Search Methods).
There are other line search methods that attempt to apply polynomial interpolations to find an \(\alpha\) such that the energy at the new location is closer to a local minimum on the line segment \(x^i + s p\), (\(s\in(0,1]\)). However, these methods generally incur higher computational costs and may not necessarily enhance the overall wall-clock timing of the optimization.
Now, with line search, if Newton's method consistently generates a descent search direction, then the method is guaranteed to converge for any initial configuration on any smooth energy with a lower bound. We know that in iteration \(i\), \(p = -(\nabla^2 E(x^i))^{-1} \nabla E(x^i)\), so \(p^T \nabla E(x^i)\) equals \(-\nabla E(x^i)^T (\nabla^2 E(x^i))^{-T} \nabla E(x^i)\). For convex energies, \(\nabla^2 E(x^i)\) is always Symmetric Positive Definite (SPD), and so is \((\nabla^2 E(x^i))^{-T}\), making \(p\) always a descent direction. However, for non-convex energies, this assurance does not always hold. One approach to address this issue is to approximate the energies locally using convex energy proxies.